When we drove towards Hohenzollern Castle, the silhouette of the castle on top of a hill reminded me of Hogwarts. The outline of this impressive structure stands out, as it is surrounded by relatively flat land. Taking in the façade, I could understand how much of a joy it would have been to look out over a kingdom from such a glorious perch.
Now getting up to that perch is a different story! Hohenzollern Castle has a parking lot for guests, which is included in the price of your entrance fee and this is where you can catch the shuttle that will take you up the hill. (There are also restrooms and a little shop by the parking lot.) If you do not want to wait in line for the shuttle (like me), you can walk up the steep hill and you might wind up arriving at the top at the exact same time as the shuttle and wonder why you didn’t just wait for the shuttle in the first place!
Then there will be a little more walking, this time on cobblestone steps through the Eagle Gate entrance and past the stronghold walls, but the views will not disappoint. (In fact, my favorite parts of Hohenzollern Castle were actually the view of the castle from afar, and the views the fortress provides while looking outwards from the castle walls.) Your ticket will include access to castle and cellar rooms, chapels, the crown jewels, and more. Specifically, I found the small room of crown jewels to be quite interesting. Seeing the sashes and the bejeweled broaches that people once wore was very cool. Someone once wore these items, once displayed them proudly on their lapels, and we now have the honor of seeing them still preserved after hundreds of years!
view looking out from Hohenzollern Castle
Another notable call out is that Hohenzollern not only has a restaurant, but it also has a beer garden in the courtyard. It is wonderfully relaxing sitting outside enjoying the views, as children interact with costumed actors and people begin to pile into the fortress.
Hohenzollern Castle is only a one-hour drive from Stuttgart. If you have access to a train station that can bring you to Hechingen station, a bus from that station can then take you to the parking lot of Hohenzollern Castle. For more detailed transportation information, please refer to the castle’s website. We hope you enjoy Hohenzollern Castle!